Apr 30, 2010

Funky Present

1. Razvan Dumitrascu [N/A] & Tudor Florescu [N/A]

2. Tudor, Gopo & Razvan

3. Andrei Ludosan, Tudor, Gopo, Razvan & Vic

4. Andrei, Green, Tudor, Vic, Gopo, Razvan, Bogdan & Anubis (a.k.a Dragos)

5. Doi acvaristi de meserie : Razvan & Tepelea (the legend)

6. Green, Razvan, Cristi (being pink again), Tepelea

7. ADN (simplu si la cioc...aaaah... obiect)

8. Andrei Ludosan ( a.k.a Psihologul de serviciu)

9. Gopo and the hairy ...cojones

10. Subsemnatul (a.k.a Spongebob Fan)

11. Sebi @ work :-P

12. Inc-o data subsemnatul @ work (NOT)

13. Lucian Udrea (a.k.a "5310 seller")

Think P!nk

Cristi Neacsu gandind roz.

The Freak

In rolurile principale: Ovidiu (as himself), GRN (as The Freak) & Vic (as the scared victim).